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What a Joy

We have been truly blessed with our little bundle of joy. Violet is growing so fast. She is dancing and waving. She has two teeth coming in. She is crawling all over, climbing stairs and pulling herself up and walking along, holding onto the sofa. She can walk when you hold both of her hands or just one. She is laughing up a storm and her smile is the one thing that can pull me out of any not so happy mood. I can't even remember the last time I was mad...I mean, who can be mad or sad or frustrated or annoyed when you have that adorable face to look at, seriously!?!? At 9 months, she has the focus to stack cups and pound little wooden balls through a hole in a wooden tower. She has even started doing some yoga - at least we think that's what it is, she does boat and is so proud of herself and so serious until we giggle and then she cracks herself up. Oh my gosh, its so fun.

Now that Violet is eating solids, I've found a little freedom. Although she does have a bit of separation anxiety - but she'll grow out of that in no time. She's been napping longer and longer, multiple times a day which is also nice because I need to get moving on my Doula business. I still need three births to complete my certification processes, join PALS and DONA, and get some marketing, (business cards, flyers, and packets), and clerical things in order. I have associated myself with Kind Birth Services, www.kind-birth.blogspot.comowner Kristin Dibeh, thanks Kristin. And I'm working on developing my mission and vision for my company. Now, if my husband could just connect our printer to our computer I could print out my certification packet and get moving - he says he's going to take care of that today! We'll see.

Christmas was beautiful. We had a delightful time with family, playing games, and eating healthier this year than years past! Can you believe there were no rolls at either Christmas dinner?!? It was tough, but not to worry, there was plenty of other breaded and cakey items to indulge in. Violet got some fun in the sun gifts from her Grandma Metz, PJ's and book from her Auntie Julianna, her first pair of Striderite early walking shoes and a baby from her mama and Santa ;), a special Cornelia bear from daddy, and a jogging suite and rocking chairs from her Grammie and Auntie Jaye. I guess we'll have to have more babies to fill all the rocking chairs!! OK....I think we can work on that!!! :)

Now, we're looking forward to Hawaii in February. Airline tickets have been purchases and mommy has been working her butt off in the gym, literally. Even though I've only lost 2 lbs since I started working out in November, I feel like my body is changing, and I'll really start hitting it here now that the hustle and bustle of Thanksgiving and Christmas are over. I have only a month and a half to reach my goal weight, and I am determined to do it. 2lbs/week - ready set go! My trainer says, cardio 4 days/wk - 30 laps in the pool or 100-120 floors on the stairmaster, or 3-5 miles on the treadmill or outside!! Plus 2 days of weights/wk and 1 session with him every other week just to kick my rear past any plateau I experience!

New Year's resolution: Gratitude. My Doula and dear friend Kristin was telling me about her old partners path of gratitude and I realized that although I am extremely happy and content with my life with my baby and husband, I continue to want for things.....which is another way of actually saying that I'm not truly thankful and satisfied for all that I have. I want to NOT WANT for a thing and just be grateful for my blessings and gifts I have in my life. Challenge accepted.

To all my friends and family, I wish you a happy and prosperous New Year. Remember that last year was a building block to reaching your goals of this upcoming year. You know my hubby doesn't really buy into the idea of New Year's because he believes you can do something about anything anytime - which is very true. However, why not take the opportunity now to give that thing you want to do a try while everyone's in the same boat. You will find an immense amount of support and encouragement during this time!! Go get 'em!!


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